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Fashion Pins...


p0019.jpg (7535 bytes)
Dimensions:  3 1/2 x 2 1/2

Bee Pin - #P0019

Price: $18.95

Dragonfly Pin
Gold tone Dragonfly Pin with white ab crystals and green eyes
Dimensions:  3" x 2 1/4"

Dragonfly Pin - #P0068  

Price: $21.00

Apple Pin
Apple Pin (great for teacher) white crystals on goldtone

Apple Pin - #P0021

Price: $18.00

Baloon Pin
Dimensions:  2 1/4" x 1 1/4"

Baloon  Pin - #P0072

Price: $12.00

Butterfly Pin

Butterfly Pin - #P0041

Price: $15.00


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Gold tone camel pin with white crystals and green eyes
Dimensions: 2 3/4 x 2 3/4 inches

Camel Pin - #P0034

Price: $25.00


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Shell Pin - #J00201
white rhinestones
(click on image to see detail)

Price: $12.00

Scarves & Bows   |   Costume Jewelry  |   Gemstone Jewelry  |   Gold/Silver Jewelry   |  Beaded Items   |  E-mail

31069 Rich Valley Road
Meadowview, VA  24361