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Patriotic Jewelry.

SB0024.jpg (10346 bytes)
red, white and blue arrowhead design with silver plated toggle clasp

Seed Bead Bracelet #SB0024


Price: $30.00


p0047.jpg (10272 bytes)
dimensions: 1 ½ x 1 ¾ inches (approx)

Flag Pin - #P0047

Price: $12.95

p0053.jpg (4553 bytes)
Old Flag Pin
dimensions: 1 ½ x 1 ¾ inches (approx)

Flag Pin - #P0053

Price: $12.95

p0054.jpg (9659 bytes)
dimensions:  1 ¾ inches (approx)

God Bless America Pin - #P0054

Price: $12.95

p0055.jpg (4888 bytes)
Patriotic heart
dimensions:  1 ½ inches (approx)

Heart Pin - #P0055
red, white and blue rhinestones
(actual size)

Price: $15.95

P0056.jpg (7352 bytes)
Red, white and blue with gold tone
dimensions:  1 ½"

Apple Pin - #P0056

Price: $19.95

P0043.jpg (8382 bytes)
dimensions:  1 x 1 ¾ inches

Flag Pin - #P0043
red, white and blue rhinestones

Price: $12.95

31069 Rich Valley Road
Meadowview, VA  24361