Shop for beautiful women's scarves, costume jewelry, gold and gemstone jewelry, including rings, pins, brooches, earrings, shoulder pins, bracelets and necklaces, patriotic jewelry, as well as beaded collars and beaded hand bagsOur shop provides beautiful scarves, precious and semi precious gemstone jewelry, gold and silver jewelry, costume jewelry, hair bows, beaded purses / handbags, and beaded collars and vests.




wpe6.jpg (10840 bytes)We want to do all we can to make it easy for you to enjoy your Ladiesway.Com  bows and jewelry once they arrive in your homes.  Because of that, this page will be dedicated to  answering some of your questions. So email us and let us know what’s on your mind.

Many of you have wanted to know the best way to store your Ladiesway bows.  This subject will be the first of our Tips and Techniques


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We start with hooks.
The number of bows will determine the number of hooks.   You can purchase hooks that will fit over a door or those that will be more permanent and mounted with screws.  If you use multiple hooks on a rail be sure that they are not spaced too close together, leaving room for the width of the bows.


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You can buy nylon cord at your local hardware store.  Make sure it's thick enough to hold your bows.  Drape the nylon cord from the hooks so you have a double strand.

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Finally clip your bows to the nylon cords. If hanging more than one cord make sure you leave enough space for your bows to hang freely. as shown on left.


Bring the cords together when hanging butterfly clip bows.

When hanging french clip bows, separate the cords and clip so that the  cords are at both ends of the clip as shown on right



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