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Holiday Hair Bows

CLIP.JPG (9022 bytes)

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Yes!  We do special orders!   If you have fabric, send it to us.  We will make your bows at no extra cost.  You may contact us at (276) 496-0154.

Email:  sales@ladiesway.com

These bows are 100% Washable Polyester (unless otherwise noted)
and measure 5 - 6  inches depending on fullness of bow. 
The clip alone measures 3 inches.

Valentine Day Theme
pink, yellow, hot pink, green, aqua - chiffon with satin stripes

Butterfly Clip Bow - #Pom0628

Price: $8.75

Check out   coordinating jewelry

Order extra large bow measuring 8 inches for only $1.50 more...

Extra Large Bow - #Pom0628XL

  Price: $10.25


"Teacher's Day" apples, tablets, pencils print on beige background - combination satin and chiffon

Butterfly Clip Bow #Pom0594
( 6 inches )

Price: $10.00

Check out coordinating jewelry

Apple Pin

Order extra large bow measuring 7 - 8
inches for only $1.50 more...

Extra Large Bow - #Pom0594XL

Price: $11.50

Pom0550.jpg (11553 bytes)
black stick skeletons on white background -
combination satin and chiffon

Butterfly Clip Bow #Pom0550
( 6 inches )

Price: $10.00

Check out coordinating jewelry

Order extra large bow measuring 7 - 8
inches for only $1.50 more...

Extra Large Bow - #Pom0550XL

Price: $11.50

Pom0551.jpg (11098 bytes)
orange jack-o-lanterns on white background -
combination satin and chiffon

Butterfly Clip Bow #Pom0551
( 6 inches )

Price: $10.00

Check out coordinating jewelry

Order extra large bow measuring 7 - 8
inches for only $1.50 more...

Extra Large Bow - #Pom0551XL

Price: $11.50

red and green plaid - cotton blend

Butterfly Clip Bow #Pom0637
( 6 inches )

Price: $10.00

Click to preview coordinating jewelry

P0050.jpg (7984 bytes)

Order extra large bow measuring 7 - 8
inches for only $1.50 more...

Extra Large Bow - #Pom0637XL

Price: $11.50

Halloween Hair Bow
orange jack-o-lanterns on white background -
combination satin and chiffon

Large French Clip Hair Bow #FB0419
( 7 inches )

Price: $10.00

Check out coordinating jewelry

Spider Earrings - #J00210


Order extra large bow measuring 8
inches for only $.50 more...

Extra Large Bow - #FB0419XL

Price: $10.50

 red and green plaid - polyester

French Clip Bow - #FBM250

Price: $7.50

P0050.jpg (7984 bytes)

Gold glittered Christmas trees on white background - organnza

Medium French Clip Hair Bow #FBM234
( 5 inches )

Price: $8.50

Click to preview coordinating jewelry

P0079.jpg (16184 bytes) 

Silver glittered Snowflakes on white background -organza

Medium French Clip Hair Bow #FBM235
( 5 inches )

Price: $8.50


Bow0182.jpg (6474 bytes)
everal shades of pink hearts on a navy background - polyester chiffon

French Clip Hair Bow #Bow0182
Small (4 inches)

Price: $7.00



red poinsettias on white background -cotton

French Clip Hair Bow #Bow0266
Small (4 inches)

Price: $7.00

Check out coordinating jewelry

Scarves & Bows   |   Costume Jewelry  |   Gemstone Jewelry  |   Gold/Silver Jewelry   |  Beaded Items   |  E-mail

31069 Rich Valley Road
Meadowview, VA  24361