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Butterfly Clip Hair Bows -  page 5

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Yes!  We do special orders!   If you have fabric, send it to us.  We will make your bows at no extra cost.  You may contact us at (276) 496-0154.

Email:  sales@ladiesway.com


These bows are 100% Washable Polyester (unless otherwise noted) and measure approximately 6  inches  The clip alone measures 3 inches.

If you need a different size, just tell us in the comment section on the last page of the shopping cart.

100% satisfaction guaranteed!

Use the color bars below to match the bows to your wardrobe item color.


Pom0149.jpg (7743 bytes)
baby blue - polyester china silk

Butterfly Clip Bow - #Pom0149


Check out coordinating jewelry

BJS043.jpg (11184 bytes)

Order extra large bow measuring 8 inches for only $1.50 more...

Extra Large Bow - #Pom0149XL


Pom0395.jpg (9253 bytes)
silver grey - china silk

Butterfly Clip Bow - #Pom0395

Price: $8.50

Check out coordinating jewelry
BE045.jpg (6307 bytes)

Order extra large bow measuring 8 inches for only $1.50 more...

Extra Large Bow - #Pom0395XL

Price: $10.00

Pom0322.jpg (9672 bytes)

coral - china silk

Butterfly Clip Bow - #Pom0322


Check out coordinating jewelry

BE0110.jpg (9754 bytes)

Order extra large bow measuring 8 inches for only $1.50 more...

Extra Large Bow - #Pom0322XL


Pom0457.jpg (8291 bytes)

beige - china silk

Butterfly Clip Bow - #Pom0457

Price: $8.50

Check out coordinating jewelry

JS002.jpg (12227 bytes)

Order extra large bow measuring 8 inches for only $1.50 more...

Extra Large Bow - #Pom0457XL

Price: $10.00

Pom0140.jpg (7898 bytes)

forest green - china silk

Butterfly Clip Bow - #Pom0140

Price: $8.50

Check out coordinating jewelry

SB0025.jpg (9875 bytes)

Order extra large bow measuring 8 inches for only $1.50 more...

Extra Large Bow - #Pom0140XL

Price: $10.00

Pom0389.jpg (8270 bytes)
wine - china silk

Butterfly Clip Bow - #Pom0389


Check out coordinating jewelry

BJS044.jpg (11049 bytes)

Order extra large bow measuring 8 inches for only $1.50 more...

Extra Large Bow - #Pom0389XL



kiwi - china silk

Butterfly Clip Bow - #Pom0562

Price: $8.50

Check out coordinating jewelry

BJS058.jpg (16801 bytes)

Order extra large bow measuring 8 inches for only $1.50 more...

Extra Large Bow - #Pom0562XL

Price: $10.00

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Scarves & Bows | Costume Jewelry | Gemstone JewelryGold/Silver Jewelry |Beaded ItemsE-mail

31069 Rich Valley Road
Meadowview, VA  24361